22 March 2011

Philippians 1:27-30

  The Philippians were in a struggle similar to Paul.  Persecution and hardships were beginning to hit these believers.  What does Paul tell them for encouragement?  Stay strong in the faith.

- Live worthy of your calling
- Stand firm in one spirit
- Stand firm in one mind
- Strive side by side for the faith of the Gospel
- Do not be frightened by the enemy

  There is one thing that Paul tells the Philippians they will have, hardship and suffering.  He does not tell them that they deserve better or that they will be delivered from this suffering because they are God’s people.  That would not necessarily be true.  Instead in v.29 Paul explains that this suffering was granted to them!!  Why would such a seemingly horrible thing be granted to God’s people?  “That for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in Him but also suffer for His sake.”  This is not a bad thing.

  2 Timothy 3:12 states that “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”  So if we are living for Christ, we can expect to be persecuted at some point.  Have we been persecuted and put out?  Are we fitting in so well that others do not even know we are Christians?  Does it bother us either way?  It is vital for us to look at the example of Christ, the example of the apostles, and many of the church forefathers.  So many were persecuted and even put to death for their unwavering claim that Jesus Christ was Lord and Savior.  Lord meaning He was master of their life and Savior meaning He paid for all our sins.

  What are we doing to put ourselves out there in this manner?  How are we reaching out to others we know, being engaged in the conflict that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?  Are we willing to share the Gospel even though it is offensive to a sinful world?  Are we willing to be put out and shunned for the Gospel?  Lord help me to step out into the uncomfortable ledge that is witnessing and sharing your Gospel.  Let my life be Yours

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