26 March 2011

Philippians 2:14-18

    It is very easy for us to complain about our situation in life.  We can blame ourselves or even blame God for things that happen not necessarily the way we would want them to happen.  Hardships are a part of life in general and are meant to point us towards Christ.  In all things we need to find joy in Him.  Paul in v.14 is pointing this out to the Philippians.  Just because others who may or may not know God are doing certain things does not mean that we have liberty to do them as well.  But we should not complain about this.  Follow the lead of Christ and seek the will of God.

  Do you ever wonder how you can witness to a world that is so lost in its own sin they cannot even recognize it?  By following the Lord in everything.  When we seek the will of God we show the “crooked and twisted generation” that Christ is the way.  That is why Paul says we shine as “lights in the world, holding fast to the Word of Life.”  When we hold onto the Word, in our hearts not just our hands, then God is glorified.  Isn’t our goal in this life to Glorify Him?  Shouldn’t it be? 

  Paul puts it to words here what sacrifice in following Christ means.  “even if I am to be poured our as a drink offering.”  Even if his blood has to be spilt for following Christ, Paul is okay with that because Christ is glorified.  Brothers our ultimate goal is that God be glorified and our lives points towards Him.  If that means our life is put to an end, then so be it.  There are countless stories of missionaries who were put to death where they went and by that death God’s Word flourished in the hearts of the people.  Are you willing to let that be the story of your life so that God may be glorified?

  Lord help me to seek your face in everything.  Help me to be a light unto this world so that you might be glorified in my life, no matter what circumstances come my way.

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