24 March 2011

Philippians 2:12-13

  Paul points out to the Christians their obedience to his direction in the Lord.  He encourages them to continue in this way even when he is not present.  This is a great example to be set when it comes to our relationship with Christ.  We are not with Christ here on this Earth, yet, we need to obey Him.  What good does it do for someone only to obey another they call Lord when they are in the Lord’s presence?  It does no good to present a good face, yet once their back is turned that face comes off and a new one is presented.  Brothers, we need to serve Christ when no one is looking.  Although Jesus is not here with us, He knows what we do.  He has sent His Holy Spirit to us to minister us and guide us so God the Father might be glorified.  That is our ultimate goal when we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

  Paul goes on to say in v.12 that the Philippians need to “work out their faith with fear and trembling.”  What does this mean exactly?  This does not mean that we ought to duck and cover every time we move in life.  For understanding we need to continue what else is said in v.13 “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”  God is working in us.  That is why we need to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.  When we commit sin we are offending God.  When we accept Christ He has forgiven that sin.  Why should we go on sinning?  We need to have a fear of not following where the Holy Spirit leads in our lives. 

  If a man tells you that you can have $20 dollars if you follow him and everything he says and you accept.  Then, when the man tells you to turn right and you turn left, yet the man still gives you the $20 dollars.  Does this mean that you should go your own way anyways and take the $20 dollars?  Absolutely not!  You made a commitment to this man and he has to you.  He has fulfilled his end, now you should fulfill yours.  This is similar to what Christ has done for us.  He has given us the FREE gift of salvation.  We need to now follow His direction because we have chosen to accept the gift and we desire to please our new Lord.  We can only do this when we rely on God, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Never the less we should fear not following the lead of the Holy Spirit.  It is a horrible thing to not be in the guidance of the Lord.  Fear that and you will know what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling.  Lord help me to fear stepping one step off of the path you have laid out for me. 

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