06 February 2011

1 Peter 1:13-25

  Focus is a very difficult thing when you are in a situation in which you cannot see the end.  It can be compared to building a house.  You are in the middle of a project that may get you 20% completed and you are a month into the project.  That could be very discouraging.  It is tough to focus on what you are presently doing when the ending is so far away and seemingly never going to come. 

  The biggest issue that it seems we have is staying focused on the overall goal.  We do not get to choose which direction our life goes (as much as we would like to think we can).  We can, however, choose how we live the life where we are.  Peter instructs to the exiles to “set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (v.13)

  It is absolutely vital to have the hope for Christ’s return in our lives.  If we only focus on the present troubles or trials that are in front of us, we have NO hope.  We must set our sight on what is to come in the future then tackle the life in front of us in light of that hope.  How can we possibly live a Christian life and not have a hope of what the future will bring; whether that means death or Christ’s return?  We cannot.  It is simply not possible. 

  In v.17 Peter instructions the exiles to “conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile, knowing that you were ransomed … with the precious blood of Christ” We must keep our focus and put our hope in what we know.  Where we are presently may not make sense to us.  So let us put our hope in what we know and not in what we can do about our present situation.  We know Jesus Christ died for our sins.  We know Christ was buried.  We know He rose again.  We know that He has atoned for our sins.  We know He will come back soon.  What a tremendous hope that is!!  Let us hope in that!!  Now how does that trouble or trial look? 

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