27 February 2011

2 Peter 2:10-22

  Condemnation for sinners.  That about sums up these verses …

  Recently one of my friends on facebook posted of a Pastor of some prominence who is questioning (to be kind) the existence of Hell period.  How can someone who knows and states he understands the Gospel deny the existence of Hell?  It does not work.  Look at the language that is used in v.10-16 …

- Blasphemer
- Irrational animals
- Creatures of instinct
- Born to be caught and destroyed
- Ignorant
- Wrongdoers
- Blots
- Blemishes
- Deceivers
- Adulterers
- Enticers
- Greedy
- Accursed children
- Followers of Balaam, the son of Beor
- Speechless donkey
- Waterless springs
- Mists driven by the storm
- Speaking folly
- Slaves of corruption
- A dog returning to its vomit

  This is what the false teachers and prophets are called.  How is it that someone can honestly say that God does not HATE sin?  How can anyone say that there is not a Hell?  People are deceiving themselves, and others, into a false sense that everything will be okay.  We will all one day sit around and be with God.  No one will be in Hell; this is absolutely false. 

  Peter states in v.17 very clearly lest anyone be mistaken “For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved.”  If this is not true then why is it in scripture?  And if you do not believe this then you do not believe the Gospel.

  There are many people who have the outward appearance of knowing and understanding the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, has come to save the world from their sins; yet, these people do not have it in their heart.  It is not an outward change that the Lord seeks first; it is a heart change.  He will change you from the inside out. 

  If Christ came to save sinners, yet there is no Hell, His life was wasted and He is a liar and a deceiver of men.  And, we are to be most pitied of all.

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